Francisco "Django" Bustamante over Chohan for Hard Times One Pocket Win
Great win for the Filipino, as "" reports:
"What could be better for Francisco Bustamante than an undefeated run through the field to win the 9-ball division at the Hard Times Billiards Summer Jamboree? How about another undefeated run through the field to win the one-pocket division?
Bustamante made his way to the match for the hot-seat without letting an opponent get to the hill against him, but that streak was ended by Tony Chohan when he took an early 2-1 lead against Bustamante for the hot-seat. Bustamante came back and won that match 3-2 to send Chohan to the one loss side, but Chohan's stay on the left side of the board didn't last long.
Chohan rolled over David Gross 3-0 in under 15 minutes allowing Gross a total of three balls pocketed over three games.
The rematch between Chohan and Bustamante in the extended race to five finals was a marathon. Their first match had lasted less than 40 minutes for five games, but the rematch lasted nearly 3 hours as Chohan climbed to a 3-1 lead, but saw that lead erased at 4-4.
The final game saw Bustamante on the defensive for much of the action, but he kept with it and took advantage of any opening Chohan left him as he won the final game for first place.
Bustamante earned $3500 for first place, while Chohan settled for $2200. Gross and Jose Parica filled out the top four spots."